Did You Know That the Mangosteen Fruit is sometimes called a SuperFruit in many places around the World? Heres 21 fun facts that you might not know about the Mangosteen
1) The Mangosteen Fruit is a Tropical Fruit that comes from Asia.
2) The Mangosteen Fruit is the national fruit of Thailand.
3) The Mangosteen Fruit is mentioned in Chinese medical accounts as far back
as the Ming Dynasty(1368A.D.-1644A.D.)
4) There accounts by Tens of Thousands of people over hundreds and hundreds
of years using Mangosteen Fruit for Medical uses.
5) The Mangosteen Fruit is Highly recommended by World Renowned Doctors as
a Preventive Maintenance for the Body.
6) The Mangosteen Fruit is about the same size as a Tangerine.
7) It is claimed by many people around the world, To be the best tasting
friut in the world.
8) It's True Scientific name is Garcinia Mangostana.
9) The Mangosteen Fruit Usually weighs about 80 to 140 grams.
10) One Mangosten Fruit contains Only 2 to 3 seeds.
11) The Mangosteen Tree can grow to heights of to 75 feet!
12) It takes up ten years of cultivation before a Mangosteen Tree can bare
it's Fantastic
tasting Fruit.
13) The Mangosteen Tree produces Fruit twice each year.
14) The Mangosteen fruit contains 43 of the more then 200 Xanthones found
in nature.