NOTE: This
web site is for educational purposes and does not endorse or promote any specific commercial product or company. It is merely
a web site sharing resources and info about mangosteen fruit and Xanthones. Mangosteen is a fruit. The xanthones from the
mangosteen have been shown in laboratory studies to be powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and to have other special
properties. However, laboratory results do not guarantee that the same will happen in the human body. Mangosteen is a supplement
and not a drug; therefore, no one can say that the mangosteen will cure, treat, or prevent any specific condition or symptom.
The United States government, however, has determined and stated that increasing the amount of plant-based foods and supplements
in our diet improves our health and decreases the incidence of chronic disease. Nothing on this site is meant to guarantee
or imply that you will receive any benefit from the consumption of mangosteen. Look at the available science on the mangosteen
and then answer for yourself - Does mangosteen make sense for you? If you have a health challenge, be sure to always discuss
it with a trained medical practitioner.