Blog - Short for 'Web log' simply an online
journal of ones thoughts or views on a particular topic.
Blawg - A web log written by lawyers and/or
concerned primarily with legal affairs.
Blogger - A person who blogs {a person who post
comments or questions
on blogs}
Blogging - The act of posting on or participating in a Blog.
Blogosphere - The
world of Blogs. If you Blog... You are in the Blogosphere.
BlogRoach - A reader who infests the comment
section of a weblog, disagreeing with everything posted in the most obnoxious manner possible. (Usually found in forums)
BlogRoll - A list of links in the sidebar
of a Blog, often linking to other Blogs. Also a Blog link management system.
BlogStipation - To be unable to think of anything
to Blog about, i.e. writer's block for Bloggers.
Clog Blog - A Dutch Language Blog.
Froglogs - A French Language Blog.
PermaLink - A link to a specific
article in the archives of a blog, which will remain valid after the article is no longer listed on the blog's front page.
Ping - To ping another site is to
send a small automated packet of data to actuate some expected function, such as a Trackback
RSS - RSS is a web content syndication format. Really Simple Syndication
or Rich Site Summary. RSS allows content to be shared in real-time. Making it an extremely
valuable communication tool.