Audio & Video:
WavePad -- This program is designed to be a very easy and intuitive to
use audio editing package. Within minutes you will be able to open or record a file and edit it. WavePad audio editing software
is a sound editor program for Windows. This audio editing software lets you make and edit voice and other audio recordings.
When editing audio you can cut, copy and paste parts of recordings and, if required, add effects. WavePad is a wav editor
and MP3 editor, and supports a number of other file formats.
Total Recorder -- A very inexpensive audio software that will convert your
tapes, CDs, DVDs, etc. to digital files. You can also use this software to record new digital audio files.
Business Resources & Tools:
Business Cards -- Get 250 premium quality, full-color business cards FREE!
Calling Codes for International Countries -- is a straightforward site that helps callers place international phone calls. The site
not only takes the guesswork out of calling internationally by providing the calling codes, it tells you when to call as well!
Checklists -- FREE printable checklists and charts in many different
categories, both business and personal.
Currency Converter -- This is the Universal Currency Converter ®, the world's most popular currency tool.
You can perform interactive foreign exchange rate calculations, using live, up-to-the-minute currency rates.
Dictionary -- Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary provides quick look-up.
Event Planning Software -- EZ Event Planner is a free online Internet application software for you to plan the details of any event except a
Remote Control Software -- TightVNC is a free remote control software package. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your
local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer.
Remote Control Software -- LogMeIn is another free remote control software
package. Bulletproof Security. No other remote access solution offers
LogMeIn's tight security framework, including end-to-end SSL encryption and multi-level authentication systems.
Search Engine Relationship
Chart -- Displays in animation how the different search engines work
together. Simply hold your mouse over the Search Engine you want and then it will show you what other engines it shares results
with. This can be very valuable if your trying to decide which search engine to optimize your site for. By clicking on one
of the Search Engines a new page will open explaining a few key points that you need to know about each.
Software (FREE) -- Use the search box to search all kinds of free software (shareware).
Templates for Your Business -- Browse SCORE's template for real business plans and
financial & accounting statements created by the Seattle, WA SCORE Chapter.
Text Character Counter -- This tool might come in handy if you don't happen to have access to a program on your computer
(such as Microsoft Word) that's able to count the number of characters in a block of text.
Text Format Tool -- This handy tool easily formats or reformats your text to a specific number of characters
per line.
Thesaurus -- Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus provides quick look-up.
Web Site Linking -- For those with websites, probably MORE than anyone ever wants to know about linking strategies for the purposes search
engine optimization!
Web Site Meta Tag
Builder -- Free Meta Tag Generator builds meta tags instantly and then you just cut and paste! Courtesy of Elite Office
Support (EOS).
Web Site "Wayback
Machine" from Alexa -- This is great for finding old versions of your web pages in
order to recover lost material that could be converted into new articles to submit to online article banks and publications, or
re-worked for your current web sites.
Free Business Directories:
01 Web Directory -- The staff at ensure the audience of
get their required information in a simple and uncluttered ambience and the sites featured in the directory get good exposure
to their target audience.
Resources for Virtual Assistants (VAs):
Transcription Playback Software - Free -- Express Scribe is free software you can use for transcribing
digital audio files from your computer. You can purchase a foot pedal, or you can use your function keys for starting,
stopping, fast forward, rewind, etc.
VANF - Virtual Assistant Networking Forum -- Remember, no question is ever stupid, stupidity comes from not asking
when you have the opportunity (VANF - Virtual Assistant Network Forum) to do so ... Tawnya Sutherland
Home-Based Business & Other Resource Links:
Laurie Kristensen's Success Resources
for Wealth, Happiness & Health! A unique collection of
powerful -- and what may seem unusual -- resources for prosperity and abundance, personal growth, and healthy well-being,
Parent Super Site - Where Every Parent Is Super..! -- is the most
complete guide to information about
Self -Improvement, Personal Growth and Self Help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles
and references to thousands of other Web Sites on the World Wide Web. -- Uniterra Internet Services presents the Online Business article archive!
Business Partner Links:
Credit Cards Accepted Through PayPal

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