Energy Healing Techniques:
There are some very helpful energy techniques to assist with breaking
though unconscious limiting beliefs (or even unconscious fears of success), the effects lingering from traumas in our past,
and so forth.
You don't even need to know all the details about how or why these
techniques work, but if you give them a try, you may be very pleased with the results.
To learn more, use a search engine with terms such as:
EFT How To
Energy Healing Techniques
Energy Medicine Techniques
- Carol Look
Carol is a well-known EFT practitioner and is the host of a weekly
radio show that focuses on creating "The Energy of Abundance" -- here is the link to the audio archive of the show recordings.
- Rebecca Marina
Rebecca is only one of many gifted energy technique practitioners, and she has quite a few free
audio samples on her website that may be very helpful:
For proof that these types of techniques really do make a difference,
also check out the DVD she produced about her work with EFT and live blood cells. There are some
sample photos that are startling and enlightening!
- Joe
Joe teaches a wonderful method called Ho'oponopono that is a modernized version of an ancient Hawaiian self-healing method.
It can help you life your life at what Joe calls "Zero Limits"! Visit for many free audios,
videos, articles and other information about it:

"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." ~ Wayne Dyer

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