Well, I wanted to share a bit about my own failures before I started
taking control of my business, even before I made a single dime for myself at a home business.
You see, when I got
started, I thought I understood how to build a business, with a background in corporate america.
For the most part, you are told to make a list of family and friends
and to call them and tell them about your new business or wonderful products you come across.
However, this half attempts
at selling to those you know will more than likely fail in is a quicker road to network marketing failure.
So, off
I went on what I thought was a great idea, buying flyers (mucho friggin expensive at that, they were like $250 for that load
of them) and handed them out at community expos I was attending on a regular basis. (Ohh yeah, did I mention the $200 I spent
just to get a booth at ONE home expo)
Next came an advertisment in a local "targeted" magazine that I thought would
be a slam dunk! I even could get my company replicated website on THEIR page and have it listed for a year!
I started
dreaming of big numbers....one year of ads in that magazine and one year being listed on their website.
The fact remains
that more than over 95% of those who started business end up being a network marketing failure.
I'll admit times were
pretty grim at that point, and I was doubting my decision to dive into a home business at all. I was wondering if I was ever
going to make any money at all in this thing at all and going to be a permanent network marketing failure.
The real
lesson here is to never stop trying in to find something that works for you and your own skill sets and personality. It could
be online, offline, over the phone, it doesn't really matter, except what works best for you.
Using the Internet's
and to leverage it provides however is one of the quickest ways to get leads for any home business.
learn more about growing your business on the Internet and avoiding being a network marketing failure, click here now.

Is It *Immoral* To Make Sales This Easily? |
