That doesn't mean that there is no Supreme Force that
does not care about you or doesn't want to help you become the highest expression of Spirit creating and experiencing
life in a human body that it is possible to BE.
But, you need to ASK for guidance from your own Higher Self and
other spiritual forces that you believe in -- invite it, tune into it (it cannot be forced on you) -- and then, it
is YOUR CHOICE whether to pay attention to it... or not!
You will not be punished if you don't, and you
will not be rewarded if you do -- other than in experiencing what YOU create by your personal choices and
underlying beliefs and patterns.
And you ALWAYS have the opportunity to choose AGAIN
in every single moment you exist!
To truly realize that I chose to be born into a universe/planet/life where the truth
is that I ALONE determine my experiences felt like BOTH a curse and an overwhelmingly huge gift...
It means that if you DON'T LIKE SOMETHING
about your life, then YOU ALONE have the power to choose to change it!
Thrill -- and Burden -- of Complete FREEDOM
The first thing to go (after realizing this)
is any opportunity to BLAME anyone else for anything you don't like about YOUR life!
It makes victimhood and martyrhood obsolete, which is
a real shock to those of us who are used to blaming others for our troubles and feeling helpless and hopeless and trapped as our
excuse for not experiencing better lives!
Living with blame, hate, resentment, and bitterness
is (strangely enough, when you think about it), sometimes tough to give up! It eliminates any excuses and puts all
responsibility for how you experience your life squarely on YOUR OWN shoulders!
Also, there is nobody telling
you what is right or wrong, or what you should do, or HAVE to do -- nobody that is going to "punish" you if you
do something that is not of your highest expression of what you are capable of BEING.
And, you do not need to be "saved" from anything --
because the truth is that you are NEVER separated from your Source...
and if you ever FEEL separated, it is ONLY in your own mind!
So, I was beginning to grasp the scary (at first!)
and yet BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL truth. And my attempts to create something different than I had been experiencing in life up
until then became hit or miss, depending on how devastated I felt when I missed!
The missing puzzle piece was learning
through the teachings of exactly how the Law of Attraction works, and how my MIS-understanding of that was the cause of most of my frustration in
my failed attempts to deliberately create and/or change my life!
There are multitudes of teachers/books/etc. that explain
this exact same principle, but it was the Abraham way of explaining it that "turned on the lightbulb" for me.
For Instance... Examples of Negative Attraction
A classic example is, let's say, a woman who constantly fears being raped, and is constantly vigilant and watchful
and suspicious... chances are extremely likely that she WILL eventually be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and end up
being raped.
I once knew a woman who was extremely spiritual and good in so many ways, but because
she did not understand the Law of Attraction, and constantly feared being raped over a very long period of time, she DID get
Again, the time delay in cases such as this can work to your advantage -- spend your time
feeling safe and affirming safety in your world, and the Universe will match your desires by keeping you
out of harm's way!
Or another example, someone who learns a little bit about these deliberate creation principles,
and decides they want a brand new car...
They spend a few minutes writing or saying affirmations and maybe hang a few pictures
of the car they desire around their house or workplace.
But then they look around and immediately notice that the new car is NOT here yet. They
see others driving that mode on the street and feel jealous. They wonder when or IF it will ever show up for them.
They spend more time thinking about NOT having the car than they spend really imagining
it is theirs and how it feels to own it and drive it -- and in the meantime savoring the expectation of KNOWING it's
on its way!
However, the situation you attract may not always be an EXACT match to the precise thing you hold
in your conscious or unconscious awareness... a fearful attitude about ANYthing can attract all kinds of situations to BE
fearful about... concentrating on the lack of one thing or, many things in general, will attract more of the same... etc.
The 51-percent Factor
The trick is to spend at least 51 percent more time
thinking/believing/expecting the car (or whatever you desire to create) than you spend focusing on the lack of what
you desire in your life, wondering when it will show up (if ever) and so forth.
But it's MOST important to spend the
time it takes to get into the FEELING place of believing this is ALREADY true!
Then, go on about your life in that confident expectation!
The more you try and figure out the "HOW," the more limited the options become for the Universe to bring it to
you. Because, some amazing and downright miraculous stuff can happen when you just trust and let go and
do everything possible to feel good in the present moment -- moment to moment -- as you go about your life
in confident expectation!
Steps to
Manifesting Your Dreams, Desires, & Goals:
2) The Universe Arranges Delivery...
3) Allow!
Anytime you excerience something that you
do not like, you are automatically and unconsciously ALREADY emitting a vibratory message
to the Universe about exactly what you would PREFER. You can't help it, because it's
so natural that you often never even realize it's happening!
The Universe
immediately responds by beginning to coordinate the process of bringing your desires to you!
It's really not
necessary to spend a lot of conscious focused attention on trying to put your desires into words.
In fact, sometimes
the very act of trying so hard has the effect of making you think more about not having what you
want -- and sending contradicting messages to The Universe (this is often called "resistance").
However, the act of
putting your desires into words CAN be a helpful tool for you to sort out and clarify your desires to your conscious
mind, if used in the proper way.
According to Marilyn Jenett (as well as MANY other spiritual and personal development teachers of all kinds), your words DO
have a lot of power, as well as your thoughts -- conscious and unconscious!
Abraham agrees and also
emphasizes that consciously focusing on your desires CAN BE very powerful -- BUT ONLY
up to the point where you begin to feel resistance.
THAT was
a crucial understanding for me!
I would spend great effort on precisely
writing or visualizing my dreams and desires in exquisite detail -- and for the actual time I did that, I probably
was in alignment with them.
BUT THEN I would then go back about
my life and focus on my frustration that my desires did not manifest instantly!
I spent WAY more
than 51% of my time being "in resistance" -- focusing on what I did not want, frustrated that my
efforts did not create positive changes faster -- rather than being "in alignment"
with what I wanted to create.... thereby perpetuating exactly the opposite of my desires.
Time is On Your Side!
The truth is that we generally
cannot make things INSTANTLY manifest (at least, those of us who are not enlightened Masters) for at least two
Because we cannot control our thoughts well enough! Just think what it would be like if every thought you (and everybody
else!) ever think manifested immediately!
The factor that everything we are experiencing right NOW has been created out of the accumulation of what we
have been thinking and feeling our whole life up until now!
When you begin to change how you
think and feel, there MAY BE a bit of a time delay in manifesting your new dreams, desires, and goals.
Your Ego... Friend or Enemy?
Your ego may try to keep you stuck in your old patterns, because that is how
it feels safe. It does that (most importantly) NOT because it is an "evil entity" bent
on your destruction -- it is because that is how it perceives its job in keeping YOU safe!
I once heard someone say they heard a quote from somewhere (source unknown)
that EGO could stand for "Edge God Out" -- meaning that when you begin to reach for higher energy, you may
feel some resistance from within!
Again, it arises out of all the experiences you've ever had, and the decisions you
made consciously and unconsciously that fit with the information you had and understood AT THE TIME.
You (and everybody else, too) are always doing the very best that you
can with what you know, at any given time!
As you learn more and discover BETTER knowledge and understanding, you grow -- and you
can't go back, not that you'd want to!
Now, you are seeking and being given HIGHER, LIGHTER information, and the old energy
is more dense (not bad, just obsolete) and your ego may resist making way for the newer,
higher, lighter energy that comes from your new knowledge and from healing and clearing out the old patterns that have
been keeping you stuck.
That is when it is even more crucial to keep on having faith
that you are on a rising path! And to keep up with your prosperity work on a consistent basis!
Summing Up 3 Steps
to Manifesting Your Desires, Dreams, & Goals
SO, to sum up a HUGE topic as briefly as
possible for this format...
When meditating or
visualizing your desires, do it ONLY as long as it is FEELING GOOD -- stop before you get to
a point of feeling resistance!
Then forget about
it, go about your life, and do everything in your power to choose thoughts and experiences that keep you feeling good!
The goal is to get your "dominant vibration"
to a place of feeling good... that 51% (or more!) factor.
Do it in small chunks throughout your day. Abraham
teaches a fun process called Virtual Reality that explains this very well.
you do decide to spend focused effort on creating your particular desires, do this:
Decide what you desire, by thinking, daydreaming, or visualizing about it (and maybe write it
Spend some time on feeling it and visualizing it with all your senses as if it IS ALREADY TRUE,
knowing that it's on its way to you right now!
(Just a little
bit of time every day on a consistent basis can create miracles!)
Then go about your day, confidently knowing that you are in the process of creating the life of your dreams -- and
that the Universe is speedily at work lining up people, events, opportunities, and giving you signs for "inspired-next-steps"
to take that match your desires!
THEN... pay
attention to what shows up in your life as opportunities, signs, helpful people, and messages of encouragement and
confirmation that you are on the right track -- and take any inspired actions that
come to your attention!
Additional Ideas to Raise Your "Dominant Vibration"
Another wonderful,
playful tool to help keep your desires and dreams within your "energy stream" in a symbolic way would be to create a collage
of pictures and words that represent them. Keep it in a place that you are around often, so it is a kind of a subliminal reminder
to your subconscious. You can make it into
anything that is fun for YOU, and be creative and unique with your own ideas.
Also, place colorful post-it
notes or attractive little signs with your favorite positive affirmations or pictures and symbols of your dreams and
goals all over your spaces! All of these will add to your "energy stream" and help to keep you focused on higher energy, even
if you are not paying detailed attention to them!
One of
my all-time favorite things to do is to listen to audio tapes while driving... Abraham-Hicks sells weekly or monthly tapes or CDs of excerpts from the workshops they do
every weekend all over the country, where Abraham answers real questions from real folks about how to apply the universal
laws to their lives for the better!
ideas and information about manifesting Abundance and Prosperity, visit the page called Prosperity & Abundance.
We attract
whatever we choose to give our attention to -- whether wanted or UN-wanted.
~ Abraham-Hicks ~
This is my understanding of the Law of
Attraction in a nutshell! The Abraham-Hicks material is excellent for establishing a true understanding of that plus the Law
of Deliberate Creation, and the Law of Allowing... three basic universal laws, the understanding
of which can change your life!
Abraham also offers effective writing, visualizing,
and focusing exercises to do which will help to hone your ability to focus and raise your dominant
inner energy vibrations to be a match for what you are wanting to create.
I've learned about other laws, such as the Law of Reversed
Effort, as well as an amplified understanding and how exactly how to APPLY the basic laws that Abraham teaches
Many Varieties and Styles of Teachings -- All with
Universal Truth
Of course, again, there are truly TONS of resources available now
that talk about these principles, and it's a matter of finding what resonates within YOU!
Hang On To Your Hat!
I will tell you, my friend... when you go within and ask to be shown the Truth,
hang on to your hat!
Because once you do, there is never any going back to living a numbed-out life of mediocrity -- or
of being satisfied with -- and settling for -- a life of constant pain and the turmoil of negative drama, either!
There IS such a thing as positive drama, if the excitement of drama is what you truly love... and, you
can ALSO grow through joyful, loving, and fulfilling
circumstances and experiences!
To say, "I want growth," is a good thing. However, to say, "I want growth through joyous experience," gives you more deliberate control.
~ Abraham
"The subconscious mind acts on the dominant thought therein. The repetition of positive words will eventually
replace negative patterns in the subconscious, which block our success and limit our income and our good.
"If we persist
in adding clean water, drop by drop, into a bucket of muddy water, eventually we will end up with a bucket of clean water.
The good news is that we don’t need to completely fill our mind bucket; the dominant thought is all that is necessary
for the subconscious to respond and create our desired result. So we don’t have to completely eliminate the negative
thoughts. 51% positive and we get the golden ring.
"I know you are asking, how
long will this take? I believe it will depend upon how diligently you apply the techniques and use positive words. And just
as importantly, how carefully you monitor yourself so that you don’t counteract the good mental work you are doing.
If you asked a taxi driver to take you somewhere but gave him two addresses, where would you end up? Certainly not at your
Lesson One, The Spoken Word Feel Free to Prosper
© Copyright 2003, 2004 Marilyn Jenett
"Being grateful. That's the first
step to the path of Joy."
~ Sarah Ban Breathnach |
