Spirituality Links
World-Wide Labyrinth Locator -- The World-Wide Labyrinth Locator has been
designed to be an easy-to-use database of labyrinths around the world.
Personal/Business/Spiritual Growth Links
(Life and/or Business Success, Prosperity, Creativity Coaches & Programs, Hypnotherapists, Energy Healing
Practitioners, Etc.)
Traditional and Spiritual Regression (Life-Between-Lives)
Hypnotherapy with David M. Pierce, CHT - A.C.H.E. Certified Hypnotherapist, member of the National Association of
Transpersonal Hypnotherapists, the Society for Spiritual Regression, and certified in Spiritual Regression Hypnotherapy with
Dr. Michael Newton. http://www.dpierce.com/
Debra Hubers-Paradis
-- 408-259-8827 Pampered ‘N’ Paradise Chief Pampering Officer,Reiki Master, Spiritual Intuitive Counseling,
Esthetician All-Natural Skin & Body Care & Wild Organic Nutritional Food Products
Diana Kennedy.com -- Living From Spirit Articles & Information about the Universal Law of Attraction.
Julie Jordan Scott of 5Passions.com created the PassionCrafting Method, a spiritually based
coaching process which combines creative, spiritual practices to empower you to lead your most passionate life now.
Michael Losier of Law of Attraction
Book.com -- Articles and resources
about understanding and applying the Universal Law of Attraction.
Powerful Intentions.com -- a
unique online community of people from all walks of life who possess two very important and focused qualities. Those qualities
are: 1) You believe in the Power of Intentions, and 2) You
have been "Attracted" to be there.
Quantum Selling -- Now, You Can Reach and Sell Millions from the Comfort of Your Home or Office, Without Touching a Telephone
or a Computer, in about the Time it Takes to Drink a Cup of Coffee.
SelfGrowth.com -- SelfGrowth.com is the most complete guide to information about Self -Improvement, Personal Growth and Self Help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with
articles and references to thousands of other Web Sites on the World Wide Web.
Creativity, Art, &
Photography Links
"A Good Read Art & Book Club" created by Judith Tramayne-Barth. Free ebooks
and a tremendous WEALTH of resources for your personal and business success!
Hairballs.com -- Photography, digital imaging, and traditional fine art
methods illustrating the intriguing world of the cat by Lori Lee Sampson.
Picture To Ponder --
A delightful weekday ezine by Sheila Finkelstein,
in which she shares one of her truly beautiful nature photographs. At this link to a recent issue, you can also sign
up to receive her inspiring ezine and see the past issues.