- Effective Lead Capture on Free Traffic Exchanges

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Effective Lead Capture on Free Traffic Exchanges

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Effective Lead Capture on Free Traffic Exchanges

When it comes to lead capture pages, using free traffic exchanges is an excellent lead generation method. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of free traffic exchanges available all over the Internet!

There are 3 basic components to capturing leads on free traffic exchanges that need to be understood: Lead Capture Pages, Autoresponder follow-up systems, and Ad tracking URLs.

The lead capture page can be hosted anywhere but it needs to have at least one thing on it to be effective... a way to capture a person's email address.

Why waste your traffic exchange credits sending user's to your sales page where they only have 15 seconds to decide whether they are interested in your product or service? It is too easy just to let your website rotate to the next causing you to lose a potential prospect.

By connecting your Lead Capture Page online
form to an
Autoresponder, each person who
"opts in" gets automatically added to your
Autoresponder email database, to advertise
to over and over again via email.

If you set up an incentive-laden lead capture web page (by incentive I mean a contest or freebie for providing their email address) that has a short tag line about your product or service combined with a 2 line form consisting of name and email address you have a simple yet incredibly powerful marketing tool.

In fact what would stop you from advertising 5 or 10 different lead capture pages on several traffic exchanges for each product or service you are promoting?

Ok, so you have a person's email address and name. What now?

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Michael Lawrence

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Quotations from About.com
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
~ Aristotle
The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.
~ Napoleon Hill
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
~ Walt Disney

Let me explain the purspose of an Autoresponder before I do that. An Autoresponder is a script that sends out timed follow up messages to anyone in your Autoresponder email list. If you connect the form on your lead capture page to your Autoresponder you have a virtually unlimited opportunity to advertise to your now "opt in" subscriber.

Your only real job becomes promoting your lead capture pages. The Autoresponder system once set up requires little or no maintenance on your part.

Now when a person sees your incentive laden lead capture page on a Free Traffic Exchange they can quickly scan your opportunity and provide a minimum of information (nobody likes filling in forms, especially when they only have 15 seconds to decide on your offer).

Freebies work well, free downloads, contests, giveaways. People like free stuff and this gives you a nice way to build up credibility with your customer.

To improve your sales and recruiting efforts,
Lead Capture Pages, connect them
to an 
Autoresponder, and start promoting
and tracking your advertising efforts.

To take this a step further you can track your campaigns by replacing the URL for your product with an Ad tracking URL.

This will tell you every time someone clicks on a link within your email message or lead capture page allowing you to weed out ineffective ad copy.

Make sure you set up a different ad tracking URL for each lead capture page or email message and you can truly see how well each of your campaigns are performing in real time.

So get busy creating your lead capture pages, connect them to your Autoresponder follow up system, and start promoting and tracking your campaigns. You should see improvements in your sales and recruiting efforts immediately....

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Copyright Michael Lawrence. All rights reserved. Michael Lawrence graduated from the University of Waterloo Engineering program in 1999. He has 10+ years of IT experience and 2 years of internet marketing experience.

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